L o a d i n g

The “European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation Amphictyony”, or “E.G.T.C. AMPHICTYONY”, based in Athens, Greece, consists of European and Mediterranean local government organizations of all degrees, of public undertakings or public law entities and is organized as a nonprofit civil company operating under private-economic standards.

Its main aim is for the people of Europe and the Mediterranean to live in a continuously peaceful and deeply democratic environment of justice, equity, cooperation, and solidarity, an environment of continuous development, financially effective, socially just, environmentally viable, spatially balanced, with cohesion and security in their areas, with respect for the natural, built and wider human environment.

Furthermore it works, indicatively for: The respect in all levels of the principles of freedom, democracy, justice, security and protection of the environment. The facilitation and promotion of cross border, interstate and/or interregional and overseas co-operation, with a view to reinforcing social and financial cohesion among its members. The realization of programs that are co-funded by the European Union (E.U.) through the European Fund of Regional Development, the European Social Fund and/or the Cohesion Fund.

web site: https://www.amphictyony.gr/